Have you ever wondered about those little things that fastens or closes your jewelry? They're called fasteners or clasps and is often overlooked when choosing jewelry we buy especially online. Sometimes the online store will include the clasp in the description but unless its included in the picture, we don't have a clue what they look like. Well here's a listing:
When I first started jewelry making, initially I started designing everything using the Lobster Claw or the Springring, as they were the most popular clasps I knew. But the more I became a seasonal jewel designer, I realized that each clasp worked better only with certain jewelry and not with others. For example, the barrel clasp which is something you have to screw on to fasten your jewelry cannot be used on bracelets since you need both hands to screw both ends of the clasp together. I quickly learned that for bracelets, you have to use clasps that can be applied with one hand, such as hooks or toggles. And depending on the size of the bracelet, it may be best to use a Springring or Lobster claw as opposed to hooks. And likewise for necklaces.
Consumers on the other hand should find it handy to understand the different clasps and fasteners on a jewelry before they purchase them. I knew a woman who was not able to wear a certain necklace or bracelet if no-one was home to fasten the Lobster claw for her, she suffered from arthritis joint pain and was not able to maneuver the jewelry to fasten the clasp. She eventually asked me to change out all her spring and lobster clasps for hooks.
A good tip when purchasing jewelry on location is to try fastening the jewelry for yourself, if permitted, and see if you are able to do so comfortably on your own. If purchasing online, make sure to contact the vendor and ask them to give you information on the type of clasp used if it is not provided in the description.
On our website, we include the kind of fastener for each jewelry, a picture, and a link to understand how each clasp is used. Visit the following link for a quick read: http://shardhi.com/clasps.htm on how each clasp/fastener is used.
Very right you are and very interesting post. I now understand the clasps much better now and of course I usually find I like my jewelry best with the hooks. But I guess they all can't have hooks as your post suggests. Thanks for a great post.